Singing Guide: Blossom Dearie

Singing Guide: Blossom Dearie

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Blossom Dearie was a jazz singer and pianist known for her unique and playful vocal style. She was known for her ability to combine a childlike playfulness and a sophisticated musicality that was uniquely her own. Blossom had a light, airy voice that was instantly recognizable, and she had a special talent for creating complex songs that sounded simple and easy.

To learn how to sing like Blossom Dearie, it's important to start by mastering the basics of breathing, posture and vocal technique. Some great Singing Carrots resources to get started with include articles on "Breathing Basics", "How Posture Affects Your Singing", and "Voice Registers & Vocal Break". You can also check out the "Farinelli Breathing" video in the skill-related videos section.

Blossom was known for her playful and whimsical style, so it's important to get comfortable with improvisation and adding your own unique style to your performances. Some Singing Carrots resources that can help with this include the "Contemporary Vocal Techniques: Heavy Modal, Twang, Belting" article and the "Beggars Bounce" and "Diaphragm Bounce" videos in the skill-related videos section.

Another key aspect of Blossom's singing was her ability to express emotion and feeling in her performances. For some tips on this, check out the "Singing With Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking" article and the "Relaxing Breath" video in the skill-related videos section.

To really capture Blossom Dearie's unique style, it's important to listen to some of her classic recordings and study her vocal technique. Some great Blossom Dearie songs to check out include "Peel Me a Grape", "Once Upon a Summertime" and "I'm Hip". You can also learn more about her vocal range and style in the "Vocal Ranges of Famous Singers" section.

Finally, if you're looking for a comprehensive introduction to singing, be sure to check out Singing Carrots' "Educational Singing Course", which covers all aspects of singing, from basic technique to advanced concepts.

With these Singing Carrots resources and a lot of practice, you can learn to sing like Blossom Dearie and develop your own unique vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.